After this course, you will:

  • Know how to stay calm when your child is losing it

  • Know exactly what to do to help your child through a meltdown as fast as possible

  • Know how to respond when your child is aggressive or doesn't want your help

  • Feel calm and confident when your child is having difficult emotions

Course curriculum

    1. Why kids melt down and what you can do to help in 3 mins

    2. How to stay calm when they're lashing out

    3. Speak to the emotion

    4. Needs vs wants

    5. Aggressive and rejecting behaviors

About this course

  • $127.00
  • 5 lessons

Meet Natalia

Natalia Wiatr

spiritual parenting coach

Hi! I'm Natalia. I'm a mom of two littles and a spiritual parenting coach. As an empath mom, I used to struggle with emotional regulation. I was in therapy for anxiety, while all I needed was to stop suppressing my emotions! When I took better care of my emotional health, I witnessed a 180 degrees turn in every area of my life: parenting, relationships, self-love, and even at work! I discovered my spiritual depth. But parenting has become my greatest passion. I help emotionally overwhelmed empath moms find peace and ease in motherhood by using mindful, gentle parenting practices as well as the Laws of the Universe.

Participants' opinions:

“Natalia has gotten to the root of why and how parents can stay calm in the face of their children’s tantrums and melt downs. This course is a great way to learn to center yourself in the most stressful parenting moments.”


“I love the personal examples you gave during the course and the practical tools that can be implemented immediately.”


“I enjoyed this experience and agree that it's a great approach and is very helpful. I have implemented some of these strategies with my oldest child and will look forward to using them with my youngest as she grows up, too! As she grows up, too!”


“Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the meltdowns course. My biggest takeaway, and one that I still have the privilege of fully integrating, was that showing up as the mom my kids need means first showing up for myself in the same way. Instead of needing my kids to behave so that I can stay calm and regulated, my job is to be with myself so that I can stay calm and regulated. My kids are going to behave in ways that are inconvenient for me. They aren’t bad or wrong for that, just like I wasn’t bad or wrong for how I behaved as a kid. Giving myself patience, forgiveness, and grace helps all of us enjoy each other more.”
