Feel your anger, speak your calm
Follow the framework of the STEPS of emotional regulation so that you don't spill your anger over on your kids.
After this course, you will:
know how to deal with difficult emotions (such as anger) before they spiral up
learn my signature process - the STEPS - to regulate your emotions
learn powerful tools to help you snap out of the spiraling anger as well as go deep and process the emotions where they arise
feel calm and in control or your reactions and your life
focus more on connection with your child and processing both your and their emotions
The STEPS of emotional regulation
The "situation -> thought -> emotion -> action" cycle
Triggers! - what anger is and what triggers it
Empathize with yourself - meditation
Perk up - what calms you down
Solving the initial problem
Use your empathy to turn meltdowns into a deeper connection between you and your child.
Find out how to help your kids solve their fights so you don't have to play the police officer all the time. Thanks to this course, you'll regain calm and peace and your kids will get skills needed to solve conflicts even when you're not around!